How Webmentions Work on This Blog
Yes, this blog accepts webmentions—particularly if you can do a reply, see the How To section of that page.
Your reply will be reposted on this site as HTML. Here is a list of the tags I keep:
<a> <abbr> <blockquote> <br> <cite> <code> <dd> <dfn> <dl> <dt>
<kbd> <li> <mark> <ol> <p> <pre> <q> <s> <samp> <small>
<strike> <sub> <sup> <time> <ul> <var>
Yeah, so I strip out <div>
tags and all their contents. Usually this is a
sign that extra metadata and sharing cruft is in the post.
Most attributes are stripped off, except the following:
cite datetime href pubdate title
Links also must be ftp, http, https, mailto, dat protocol or relative links.
I also add rel="nofollow"
to all links, to avoid giving search juice to
links in the comments. This may be wrong, I don’t know.