I’m not sure why you would want to [link to me]—I’m a kid, and I don’t really do much
on here—but you can link to and talk about whatever’s on here.
Haha, well—“don’t do much”—first off, you have hundreds of wiki pages under
your personal belt at this point… and I know damn well that you are one of the
ghost-architects of h0p3’s wiki. You work on scripts and CSS for him—it’s all
right there in the logs, j3d1h! For hell’s sake, you set up Windows 8 VMs for him!
I’m sorry that I know all this. I do apologize. I am just a random guy.[1] And
I have no idea how to offer you any advice or suggestions as to your wiki—I
like that you are just doing your own thing, you seem perfectly capable to me,
of writing your own thoughts and following some of your dad’s practices—and
establishing some of your own.
I just h0p3 it is encouraging that you have a reader out there who thinks your
Social Studies Log is awesome—as a window into your young reactions to
history. Or your Deep Reading Log—since I am an avid reader and your words
remind me of what it was to read The Chosen at your age—which I probably
did! (Although I can only guess at your age and am very impressed at the things
you say to h0p3 which he quotes—your words strike like a queen’s sceptre of
supreme sarcasm[2]!)
But I do wonder why you write. In a way, I don’t wonder—to be young is to
explore so avidly—I am sure that your writing is so exciting to you, is it??
Do you keep your logs so that you don’t forget? Or so that we might know you? I
don’t know that I can answer these questions for myself; maybe you can, though.
Please write me any time. Oh and your Python scripts are looking good.
Oh, in fact, recently, I went to a formal event for a friend—the friend was getting
‘inducted’ and there was a small group there. All the people at this event knew
each other—but I just kind of float around the area, so I didn’t really know
My friend hadn’t arrived yet. So when I walked in, people kind of stopped
talking and laughing—and there was just a moment of unease. I said, “Oh, I
know R—I’m just a random guy who knows R. Sorry to interrupt.”
One of the people then said, “I’ve seen you around. You are a random guy.”
“Yes,” someone
else said, “That’s the perfect description. You are a ‘random guy’!”
And so now when I see these people, I am the “random guy” to them and I
somehow find it very endearing—just to be a kind of anonymous everyman
placeholder—a person who can’t be explained, perhaps. And I hope that you,
too, j3d1h, will think of me as the “random guy” who reads your wiki.
There can simply be no explanation for this. ↩︎
And yet, I know assuredly that you love him very much too. ↩︎
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Reply: Link to a Kid?
Haha, well—“don’t do much”—first off, you have hundreds of wiki pages under your personal belt at this point… and I know damn well that you are one of the ghost-architects of h0p3’s wiki. You work on scripts and CSS for him—it’s all right there in the logs, j3d1h! For hell’s sake, you set up Windows 8 VMs for him!
I’m sorry that I know all this. I do apologize. I am just a random guy.[1] And I have no idea how to offer you any advice or suggestions as to your wiki—I like that you are just doing your own thing, you seem perfectly capable to me, of writing your own thoughts and following some of your dad’s practices—and establishing some of your own.
I just h0p3 it is encouraging that you have a reader out there who thinks your Social Studies Log is awesome—as a window into your young reactions to history. Or your Deep Reading Log—since I am an avid reader and your words remind me of what it was to read The Chosen at your age—which I probably did! (Although I can only guess at your age and am very impressed at the things you say to h0p3 which he quotes—your words strike like a queen’s sceptre of supreme sarcasm[2]!)
But I do wonder why you write. In a way, I don’t wonder—to be young is to explore so avidly—I am sure that your writing is so exciting to you, is it?? Do you keep your logs so that you don’t forget? Or so that we might know you? I don’t know that I can answer these questions for myself; maybe you can, though.
Please write me any time. Oh and your Python scripts are looking good.
Oh, in fact, recently, I went to a formal event for a friend—the friend was getting ‘inducted’ and there was a small group there. All the people at this event knew each other—but I just kind of float around the area, so I didn’t really know anyone.
My friend hadn’t arrived yet. So when I walked in, people kind of stopped talking and laughing—and there was just a moment of unease. I said, “Oh, I know R—I’m just a random guy who knows R. Sorry to interrupt.”
One of the people then said, “I’ve seen you around. You are a random guy.”
“Yes,” someone else said, “That’s the perfect description. You are a ‘random guy’!”
And so now when I see these people, I am the “random guy” to them and I somehow find it very endearing—just to be a kind of anonymous everyman placeholder—a person who can’t be explained, perhaps. And I hope that you, too, j3d1h, will think of me as the “random guy” who reads your wiki. There can simply be no explanation for this. ↩︎
And yet, I know assuredly that you love him very much too. ↩︎