Brynn claims to respond to anyone’s e-mails. Brynn responded to mine!
Hey there. I stumbled across your website today[1] and I can’t resist writing you.
I actually have a similar thing where I just like to meet random people through
random chance. Don’t know if that’s part of your desire to respond to
e-mails—clearly you like being useful to people—you mention that on the page.
I’m also really into The Web—particularly the people who choose to hang out
there rather than on all of the corporate social sites. (For example, the two
who write at and I kind of count you in that
group now that I think about it—even though you’re only on the Web for three
paragraphs—the rest happens for you in e-mail.
I can’t find any old snapshots of your site—so it seems it might be quite new,
even though it looks as if it could have been there for many decades. Are you
having fun with this so far? I’m a bit reluctant to pass the link on, because I
don’t want you to become completely inundated. Perhaps you already are.
Well, I won’t go on. Pleasure to meet you.
- kicks
Brynn claims to respond to anyone’s e-mails. Brynn responded to mine!
Hey there. I stumbled across your website today[1] and I can’t resist writing you. I actually have a similar thing where I just like to meet random people through random chance. Don’t know if that’s part of your desire to respond to e-mails—clearly you like being useful to people—you mention that on the page.
I’m also really into The Web—particularly the people who choose to hang out there rather than on all of the corporate social sites. (For example, the two who write at and I kind of count you in that group now that I think about it—even though you’re only on the Web for three paragraphs—the rest happens for you in e-mail.
I can’t find any old snapshots of your site—so it seems it might be quite new, even though it looks as if it could have been there for many decades. Are you having fun with this so far? I’m a bit reluctant to pass the link on, because I don’t want you to become completely inundated. Perhaps you already are.
Well, I won’t go on. Pleasure to meet you. - kicks
Found at ↩︎