Phil Gyford’s Blogroll
Extraordinarily simple, useful, sweet.
I’ve linked to Phil Gyford last year in the post Timeline of Things Phil’s Done, which I am happy to link to again, because I recently worked on a timeline of a friend’s life and used this as a starting point. Timelines are a rich, underused visual catalog for hypertext.
Phil has just added a blogroll to the same website. This seems uneventful, except that:
The design of the ‘writing’ section is fantastic—while completely minimal and faintly ‘brutalist’—am I close? If you are starting on a new blog, look at Phil’s. I’m all about aesthetics and colors—but it’s usually a far second place to organization.
And I must ask: do you have a blogroll? Google would prefer you not to. But it’s the smallest, most atomic tiny directory—akin to ‘little libraries’ you see on the roadside.
Every single one of these links works! This is a watershed moment in 2019.
Find someone new to read today. You might find a friend. You might read something that really changes you. The world might seem a little more alive again.