Web Curios Returns!
The greatest (HEAVIEST) linkdump of our era emerges without skipping a beat.
Ayyy!!! Frantic ayyyy!!! CURIOS IS BACK. Previously a regular feature of Imperica zine - which sadly disbanded a year or so ago. But I’m glad to see Curios return on its own website.
Initially this will save us a lot of time because we won’t have to surf the Web ourselves any more. However, we now have to surf each episode of Web Curios - start yer scrolllllling.
Imperica sadly folded, but thanks to the able assistance of Shardcore (website and spaffwrangling), Ant (design) and Kris (email gubbins) all the Web Curios from the past have been retrieved and resurrected, and the whole horrible, overlong, emotionally-traumatic, faintly-exhausting rigmarole can begin anew – I can only imagine the look of excited expectation (that’s what that is, right?) thats spreading across your chops as you read this.
(Oh - incidentally, if you want to follow with RSS, here’s a super seekrit
link for
you…) Nvm - REAL FEED:
webcurios.co.uk/feed/. (thank ya krisu - in
comments below.)
They have actual RSS feed, you don’t need “email to RSS”: https://webcurios.co.uk/feed/